Joy Thomas 
671 Hwy C
Ulman, Missouri 65083
Phone (573)369-2983
Click Here to send Email!

Welsh and Westie from Thomas Terriers!  Owned by Brock Tonn - Colorado

Note: When bringing two puppies home of same or similar breeds, supervision is needed to observe if one is being more dominant or overbearing. Usually with littermates the transition is very smooth; the adjustment period is more gradual with different breeds or litters.

                   MacTavish and Tucker

Pictures of Mactavish and Tucker (blue collar and from Thomas Terriers) celebrating their 1 year birthdays at our second home in the Caribbean .  The pool is okay, but they really love the ocean at low tide and early morning walks along the beach.  Tucker has to be the most loveable dog anyone could ever own!



Larry & Polly Hendren

Columbia , Missouri


            MacTavish and Tucker
"Houston" Owned by Jerry Watkins of Peoria, IL
                                              Click here for more pictures of Westies.

                                                        Back to the Westies Page

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         Joy Thomas 
       671 Hwy C
        Ulman, Missouri 65083
       Phone (573)369-2983
          Click Here to send Email!


    Delivery to Midwest states possible, including Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Prices will vary based on breed, sex, quality, delivery and shipping by air.


Web site by H. Cato Designs © copyright 2003, All Rights Reserved
All dog images and texts  provided Joy Thomas of  Thomas Kennel  ©  2003 All Rights Reserved