Joy Thomas 
671 Hwy C
Ulman, Missouri 65083
Phone (573)369-2983
Click Here to send Email!

            Gus - owned by Elizabeth Starn         

        Gus - owned by Elizabeth Starn           

Hi Joy,

Here are the latest pictures of Tazz.  He's 9 months old now, very loving and very smart.

Nancy Blanchard
Granville, OH


Tazz - owned by Nancy Blanchard -   OH                                                              

 Houston - owned by Jerry Watkins -  Peoria, Illinois
Well Dallas is almost 15 months ,Houston is approaching one year old. Man do they play and play rough with each other. Houston is much smaller dog than Dallas. Each has own personality ,if you want a kisser then Houston is it,Lap dog is Dallas, Joyce is still working so I have them all day, they follow every where. No privacy! Today was bath day, a real joke doing both. Just a quick note as I'm cleaning out old mail.

There are no Westies offered in paper now ,haven't been any for 3-4 weeks,

Lots of dogs though

Take care

Jerry Watkins

Peoria Illinois

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         Joy Thomas 
       671 Hwy C
        Ulman, Missouri 65083
       Phone (573)369-2983
          Click Here to send Email!


    Delivery to Midwest states possible, including Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Prices will vary based on breed, sex, quality, delivery and shipping by air.


Web site by H. Cato Designs © copyright 2003, All Rights Reserved
All dog images and texts  provided Joy Thomas of  Thomas Kennel  ©  2003 All Rights Reserved