Furry Girl -
owned by Dr. Lolafaye Coyne
I am 76, 75 when I got the
Furry Girl puppy.
My doctorate is a Ph.D. in
Mathematical Statistics. I was Director of the
Statistical Laboratory and a researcher at the Menninger
Clinic for 47 1/2 years.
Furry Girl is my
fifth wire fox terrier. I have had wire fox terriers
for almost 50 years. My first was half wire fox
terrier. Her mother was a wire fox terrier that
a World War II airman brought
home from England to the air base in Topeka.
The mother and her puppy converted me to wire fox
terriers forever. Before her we had smooth fox
terriers. The next four wire fox terriers were all
pure-bred with pedigrees. The terriers lived,
respectively, 18 years (the half-brred), 15 years
(poisoned by bug sprayer), 10 years (autoimmune allergy),
& 12 years. I anticipate Furry Girl will live 15
to 18 years. She is a very healthy dog.
I would love to see Furry
Girl on your website. Let me know when you
put her on.
Furry Girl is the light of
my life.