Thomas Terriers

Mini Schnauzer
Breed Description and References


Miniature Schnauzers

This Personality Plus breed is a fantastic family companion! The positives are so many that it seems to good to be true.

Non shedding

Easiest breed to housebreak - I always recommend for first time Pet Owners. Owners, this breed is so intelligent and clean it's simple.

Communication Skills - They practically talk, know what you want before you say it, and learn vocabulary and body language that you will not believe until you experience it.

Hypo allergenic - Most people who are allergic to animals are actually allergic to dander, and Schnauzers produce almost none.

Compatible - Schnauzers are playful and fun to be around, and welcome companionship of other pets including cats, if introduced as puppies.

Obedience - This breed is People-Pleasing and Wants Nothing More than to Please its owners.

Training is Responsive - He learns fast and has fun. Tricks are simple with positive reinforcement!

The negatives are few!

Grooming - every 6 weeks to look great!

Bathing every 3-4 weeks.

Simple brushing weekly will keep a groomed dog looking sharp.

No Odor because non-shed breeds are NOT oily-skinned , but dry-skinned - they have No Odor. This is a great advantage in a home companion.

Vocal - The personality of the breed influences its ability and desire to communicate with you by being vocal. Whining when he wants out, or barking at a stranger? We have been selectively breeding for a quieter, less vocal Schnauzer for over 15 years, but from the time you bring home a new puppy, you must be aware of the instinct to be vocal, and to be paid attention to. You must teach a signal for quiet, and use this technique to guide the puppy to the level of communication you desire. We appreciate the communication skills, but you must teach your puppy when, and how much is desired.

Mature size will be 18-24 lbs.

Safe Shipping $250; includes Crate for Travel & Training, Insurance and Air Fare.
Delivery if you live in Central U.S. States we will consider driving to meet you .

2 Year Health Guarantee, Health Records, Registration PaperworkPayment Options


Hello Joy!

We want to thank you for sending us such a bundle of joy and love. We love our “Avery” and she has adjusted quite well. Attached are some photos of her life in the Big Apple!

Thanks again for everything and for giving us the best gift!

Shantel & Troy
New York

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